The day is finally here! I am turning 30 today! It seems like such a milestone, but in the same breath, it feels exactly the same. I had so many ideas of who I would be at this point in my life, all of which I am not. However, one thing I think that has stayed consistent would be my somewhat crazy personality. I haven’t always known who I am, but when I figured it out finally, I embraced it! Watch out world! Here I come!
If you had asked me fifteen years ago where I’d be in 15 years, nothing I would have said would have come to be. I think when we are young, we have all these preconceived notions of who we will be as adults, and all the ‘accomplishments’ we will have checked off our lists. We also think 30 is old.
Now I think 60 is young! I feel great, and I know I’m in my prime! Nothing that I thought was important at 20 is important today, and the things that are, mean everything to me. I feel blessed every day of my life to have everything I have, and my birthday is no exception. I’ve had 30 wonderful years, and I hope for 30 even more wonderful more. Well…I hope for at least 60 more. Hey, my great grandma was 99 when she took her last breath. That gives me 66 more to go.I wanted to pay it forward a little on my birthday, so I contemplated a few different things. Thirty one dollar bills to thirty people who could use it? Or Thirty Acts of Kindness? Or maybe 3 Blessing Bags with 10 items each for homeless? Because I knew I wouldn’t have a lot of time today, I went with the Blessing Bags. I’ve made them before, and they’re super easy.
I went to the Dollar Tree and picked up a few things for each bag. Here are my ideas for each:
Toothbrush/Case (DT has packs of three brushes and three cases for $1!)
Hand Wipes/Hand Sanitizer
Peanuts (Protein!)
I put one of each in a sealable freezer bag (should have had larger bags, couldn’t fit the water inside). Now my mission: I need to find three individuals in need of a Blessing Bag! I’m hoping that I see a few on my way home from work today, or before my birthday dinner tonight. I’ve been way too spoiled today not to give something. I hope that it puts a smile on three faces today, it’s the least I could do.