I’d like to inform you all that it is Graduation Time. This should already be evident to you. I’m sure there is nothing on your Facebook news feed other than photos of children graduating kindergarten to the ‘adults’ graduating college. I’ve even seen a photo of someone’s baby ‘graduating’ from daycare. Is that a real thing? I’m not quite sure that counts exactly, but hey, who am I to stop someone from celebrating a momentous occasion? Besides, the photos of all these little kiddos are so much better than Facebook politics.
A friend of mine is doing the actual graduation thing. You know, where you get a cap and gown, walk down the aisle, and receive a degree you’ve been working towards for the past four (if you’re lucky) years? I scoured Pinterest for DIY Graduation gift ideas and am sad to report that nothing unique popped out at me. So I waited days for something to pop into my head. And then I waited more days. And then, the day before a gift was due:
It hit me! There is nothing better than booze. Especially for the graduate. I mean, let’s be honest with each other here. They literally just spent years studying, cramming, and busting their a**es to get that simple piece of paper. So let’s give them what they want and stop beating around the bush. Liquor. Lots and lots of liquor. And this is all in reference to the college graduate of course, none of those kindergartners welcome.
I picked up a bunch of mini-liquor bottles, some mixers, and two pretty glasses. Put them in a basket/bucket together with the tags for each class. If you ask me, this is the perfect gift. I know it’s not my graduation, but if anyone wants to make me a basket like this, I’m totally game.
My friend’s hardest class was Anatomy, so for that tag she got a larger bottle of liquor. You could also use mini-wine bottles or beer bottles as well for this gift. And hey, if you have an unlimited budget, there’s always full sized bottles! (Here’s where I apologize to my friend for having a limited budget)
This is such a cute idea. I know I would enjoy it